The Grounds

From Plantation to Nature Area

wildlife is often seen on the nature trail

By 1830, Absalom Sharp had acquired several plots of land that came together to form Cedar Grove Plantation.  At one time Absalom held 900 acres of cotton fields and farm land.  Now a nature trail winds through the wooded area behind Cedar Grove.
The area is home to an abundance of wildlife, some of which you might spot as you walk the trails.

From the back of the main house it's a short walk to the cypress-lined pond.  The view from the pier is breathtaking.  Be sure to bring your fishing pole, as the pond teams with bream and bass!

fishing pond just behind the antebellum bed and breakfast

Close by the pond, you'll see the entrance to the nature trails.  The trail itself is fairly wide, and you'll walk along area once occupied by slave quarters.

After a short walk, you'll come to the old family cemetery.  Absalom Sharp, the original owner of Cedar Grove, is buried here, as is his wife, Clarissa, her father, Joseph Thomas, and her mother, Sarah.

Absalom and Clarissa had 3 children, all boys who died at early ages.  Thomas, Edward, and Levy are also buried there at Cedar Grove.

find the cemetery along the nature trail

Walk past the cemetery and the trail will offer several different directions.  Don't worry, you will eventually circle back around to the house.  We offer a grounds tour on our cart to any of our guest interested in riding instead of walking.

Along the grounds you will find several swings for relaxation, and an area for a game of Horse Shoes.  There are also several fishing poles at the ready, though we do not carry live bait.